35 Years Experience

BlastPac Sandblasting Blackburn and the Northwest for 35 years

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Specialist SandBlasting

Blastpac specializes in sandblast cleaning for various types of properties. Our process effectively removes rust, paint, and grime, leaving behind a pristine surface.

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Cost Effective

Cost effective prices and competitive rates for brickwork and stone restoration Blackburn.

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Blastpac Sandblasting Blackburn

Blastpac SandBlasting have been established for 35 years, Sandblasting all over the northwest. We are located in Blackburn and provide Sandblasting Services throughout Blackburn, Darwen, Accrington, Preston, Rishton, Great Harwood, Whalley, Lango and much wider around Lancashire.

Contact US
With our 35 years experience we have the expertise and knowledge to get the job done, we pride ourselves on getting the job done the right way first time, using the latest tools and the correct media for the job at hand.
Using the latest in Sandblasting technology and media, no job is too big or small, we will remove the dirt and grime, leaving you with a like new finish.
With our vast experience we have a happy customer base, working closely with other tradesmen, builders, etc. With this we can get jobs done in a timely manner and at a great cost to the customer.

Blastpac Sandblasting Blackburn

Services we provide at Blastpac Sandblasting Services. Cant Find what your Looking for feel free to contact us.

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Exterior Stone Blasting

Sandblasting is the best way to remove paint and dirt from exterior stone and brickwork to restore your property back to its original glory.

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Brick Cleaning

The brick cleaning and stone cleaning service that we provide is a gentle procedure where there is no damage sustained to the brickwork or stonework.

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Brick and Stone Silicone Sealant

If the brick and stone have been cleaned and then repointed, a brick sealer or waterproof sealant is a great way to protect it for longer by keeping out the rainwater, yet letting the brick or stone to breathe.
